Date Headline
2011-03-02Sustaining the biodiversity of the western Great Plains, U.S.
2011-03-02Eating apples extends lifespan of test animals by ten percent
2011-03-02Flood-tolerant rice plants can also survive drought
2011-03-01Diversifying crops may protect yields against a more variable climate
2011-02-28Scientists identify new implications for perennial bioenergy crops
2011-02-27Clues about grasshopper population explosions
2011-02-26Rare, unique seeds arrive at Svalbard Vault, as crises threaten world crop collect...
2011-02-25Large forest animals contribute to plant diversity
2011-02-25Overfertilizing corn undermines ethanol
2011-02-24Examining climate change effects on wheat
2011-02-23Transitioning to organic farming
2011-02-23Much of Mississippi River sediment comes from stream bank collapse, rather than fi...
2011-02-22Climate change affecting food safety
2011-02-22Origins of farming in Europe result of human migration and cultural change, study ...
2011-02-22New free, hands-on tool supports sustainable living choices
2011-02-22Links between longer ragweed season and climate change confirmed
2011-02-20One Health: From ideas to implementation, rhetoric to reality
2011-02-20Geographer calls for complexity in sustainability science models
2011-02-19Plant breeding is being transformed by advances in genomics and computing
2011-02-18Multiple approaches necessary to tackle world's food problems, biologist argues
2011-02-18Fishing down food web leaves fewer big fish, more small fish in past century
2011-02-18Scientists discover agave's tremendous potential as new bioenergy feedstock
2011-02-17Plants cloned as seeds: Hybrids that breed true would be major advance for crop pl...
2011-02-17Finding a way to extend tomato shelf-life
2011-02-16Uncovering the genome secrets of the Blackleg fungus
2011-02-16A billion tons of biomass a viable goal, but at high price, new research shows
2011-02-16Organic vs. Conventional farming: No clear answers from nitrogen fixing bacteria c...
2011-02-15World phosphorous use crosses critical threshold
2011-02-14New lignin 'lite' switchgrass boosts biofuel yield by more than one-third
2011-02-13Valentine's Day roses bought in UK could 'bleed Lake Naivasha dry,' warns ecologis...
2011-02-12Livestock boom risks aggravating animal 'plagues,' poses threat to food security a...
2011-02-11Fish have trouble stomaching pea/soybean mix
2011-02-11Pheromone increases foraging honey bees, leads to healthier hives
2011-02-10Soil science: Healing our planet's ills from the ground up

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