Date Headline
2014-02-16Fertilization destabilizes global grassland ecosystems
2014-02-16Making biodiverse agriculture part of a food-secure future
2014-02-16Conserving potato agrobiodiversity: Top-down and bottom-up approach needed
2014-02-14Rice seed treatments effective, worth investment: Study
2013-01-23Global gene pool of goat is seriously under threat
2013-01-22Plant water demands shift with water availability
2013-01-18Wind in the willows boosts biofuel production: Trees grown diagonally produce five...
2013-01-18Improved stink bug trapping methods
2013-01-17Dietary shifts driving up phosphorus use
2013-01-17Photovoltaics beat biofuels at converting sun's energy to miles driven
2013-01-15Mycobacteriosis in fish
2013-01-14Two new studies show why biodiversity is important for pollination services in Cal...
2013-01-11Ladybugs diet influences effectiveness as biocontrol agent
2013-01-11Beef industry, consumers to be affected by cattle production decreases in 2013
2013-01-10Lower nitrogen losses with perennial biofuel crops
2013-01-10Research revisiting the safety of GM weevil-resistant peas in mice contradicts pre...
2013-01-09How does your garden glow?
2013-01-09Used coffee grounds are a rich source of healthful antioxidants
2013-01-09Mixed forests more productive than monocultures
2013-01-09Bugs need symbiotic bacteria to exploit plant seeds: Mid-gut microbes help insects...
2013-01-08Powerful enzymes create ethanol from agricultural harvest waste
2013-01-07Studying rodents' habitats to prevent leptospirosis
2013-01-07Stink bug: Combating a top-ranked invasive insect
2013-01-07Corn could help farmers fight devastating weed
2013-01-04Drainage ditches can help clean up field runoff
2013-01-03Finding Chicago's food gardens with Google Earth
2013-01-03Unlocking sorghum's gene bank
2013-01-02Bonobos will share with strangers before acquaintances
2013-01-02Treating stable flies in pastures
2013-01-02Terrace farming unearthed at ancient desert city of Petra
2013-01-02New insights into how plants grow in response to light, water and gravity
2012-12-26Deforestation in the Amazon equals net losses of diversity for microbial communiti...
2012-12-26Amazon deforestation brings loss of microbial communities
2012-12-26Bumblebees do best where there is less pavement and more floral diversity

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