Date Headline
2010-09-28High fructose corn syrup: A sugar by any other name
2010-09-24Tunnock's staff walk out as pay dispute escalates
2010-09-24Honey powder proves shelf life booster in bread, study
2010-09-24Sara Lee joins scheme against junk food advertising to children
2010-09-23HDPE spiral mixer trumps stainless steel on price, says EPP
2010-09-23Cassava starch may improve gluten free bread
2010-09-23Nestle to built R&D centre in India
2010-09-23Loders Croklaan introduces shortenings for trans-free donut fry
2010-09-22New guidelines on how to boost recycled content in plastic packaging
2010-09-22Bone health still niche, but sharp rise in NPD
2010-09-21Salt reduction bid pledged for Pepperidge Farm breads
2010-09-21CSM launches fat reduction line for bakery
2010-09-21Baker Perkins extends line to allow for extruded croutons
2010-09-21Unstable antioxidants may hold key to acrylamide reduction
2010-09-21New sealing system to significantly cut packaging and costs - company
2010-09-20UK nut market reaches £547m thanks to healthy eating
2010-09-20Prune puree may be effective fat replacer in cakes
2010-09-20Why cavemen could hold the key to healthy eating
2010-09-17Nutritional value informs adult snack choices in Canada, says NPD report
2010-09-17China warns of death sentence for serious food safety violations
2010-09-17Fibre replacement may create low GI breads
2010-09-17Dairy leading processing innovation at IPA 2010
2010-09-17Flexible packaging factory up in flames
2010-09-16Unilever says palm oil deal edges it closer to 2015 pledge
2010-09-15Extrusion method critical to quality of lentil flour based snacks, study
2010-09-14Better reporting not falling safety standards trigger record RASFF - EC
2010-09-14Fortified snacks potential trigger for new calcium based cookie
2010-09-14Ohly opens yeast extract plant in China
2010-09-14Carbon footprinting remains focus for bakery industry suppliers
2010-09-14Newmarket Creameries accepts Kerry Group offer
2010-09-13Premier Foods fined for “basic” health and safety failures
2010-09-13Time to embrace balanced kids’ marketing regulation
2010-09-13Premier Foods fined for “basic” health and safety failures
2010-09-13Time to embrace balanced kids’ marketing regulation

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